Topic Name Description
Page Course creator: Archana Deshpande (biography)
URL Announcement and Introduction: Dec. 1, 2022
URL Unit 1 - Introduction to Tipitaka: Dec. 1, 2022
URL Unit 2 - Pali Alphabet & Vowels: Dec. 11, 2022
URL Unit 2 - Consonants, Nasals, Conjunct Consonants, Dhammapada story: Dec. 21, 2022
URL Unit 3 - Introduction to Pali Sentences: Jan. 1, 2023
URL Unit 4 - Declension of Nouns and Dhammapada story: Jan. 11, 2023
URL Unit 5 - Usage of Cases (Intro, Nominative, Accusative, Instrumental): Jan. 21, 2023
URL Unit 5 - Usage of Cases (Dative, Ablative, Genitive): Feb. 1, 2023
URL Unit 5 - Usage of Cases (Locative & Vocative Cases, Gradual sentences): Feb. 11, 2023
URL Unit 6 - Introduction to Neuter Nouns: March 1, 2023
URL Unit 6 - Feminine Nouns ca & vā and Dhammapada Story: March 15, 2023
URL Unit 7 - Present Tense verb endings 'a, ā, o' - April 1, 2023
URL Unit 7 - e-ending verbs, roots bhu and hu - April 15, 2023
URL Unit 7 - Conjugation of atthi, Root √as, negation with natthi, Dhammapada Story Verse 67 - May 1, 2023
URL Unit 8 - i, ī, u and ū ending Feminine nouns - May 15, 2023
URL Unit 8 - Sentences from Tipitaka - June 1, 2023
URL Unit 8 - Future Tense : a, ā, o, and e-ending verbs - June 15, 2023
URL Unit 8 - Future Tense - Roots √hū, √bhū and √as, Dhammapada Story Verse 76 - July 1, 2023
URL Unit 9 - vowel-ending, i & ī-ending, and u & ū-ending Masculine and Neuter Nouns
URL Unit 9 - Revising masculine and neuter nouns, Introduction to Adjectives and translation - August 1, 2023
URL Unit 9 - Iti and Iti as quotation marks - August 15, 2023
URL Unit 10 - Past Tense: a, ā, o and e-ending verbal bases and translation - Sept. 1, 2023
URL Unit 10 -Roots √bhū, √hū and √as, Irregular conjugation of verbs in Past Tense and translation - Sept. 15, 2023
URL Unit 11 : Agent Nouns, Vantu-mantu ending nouns and translation - Oct. 1, 2023
URL Unit 11 : Vantu-mantu ending nouns, nouns with irregular declension and translation - Oct. 15, 2023
URL Unit 11 : Introduction to pronouns, personal pronouns amha, tumha and translation - Nov. 1, 2023
URL Unit 12 : Infinitives, Gerunds, Pronouns - Dec. 2023
URL Unit 13 : Imperative and Optative Mood, Pronouns - Jan. 1, 2024
URL Unit 13 : Pronouns: ima, amu, sabba and translation - Jan. 15, 2024
URL Unit 13 : Optative Mood - Introduction, Conjugation of verbs and translation - Feb. 1, 2024
URL Unit 14 : Present Participles and translation - Feb. 15, 2024
URL Unit 14 : Present Participles, part 2 and translation - March 1, 2024
URL Unit 14 : Interrogative Pronouns and translation - March 15, 2024
URL Unit 15 : Past Participles, Part 1 - April 1, 2024
URL Unit 15 : Past Participles, Part 2 - Translation Practice - May 1, 2024
URL Unit 15 : Past Participles, Part 3 - Relative Pronouns and their Declension - May 15, 2024
URL Unit 16 - Future Passive Participles, Pronominal Adverbs & Causative - June 1, 2024
URL Unit 17 - Numbers - July 1, 2024
Unit 1 : Introduction to Tipitaka Page The Pāli Canon
Page The Ninefold Teaching
Page More Resources
Unit 2 : Pali Alphabet & Pronunciation Page The Pali Alphabet
Page Vowels
Page Consonants
Page Nasals
Page Conjunct Consonants
Page The story of Ven. Nanda (Dhammapada Verses 13-14)
Unit 3 : Introduction to Pali Sentences Page Personal Pronouns
Page Verbs in Present Tense
Page Constructing Pali Sentences
Page Translating Pali Sentences
Page Examples from Tipiṭaka
Page Resources : Script Conversion
Page The story of two monks (Dhammapada Verses 19-20)
Unit 4 : Declension of Nouns Page Introduction
Page Declension of 'a'-ending Masculine nouns
Page Vocabulary and Translation
Page Proper Nouns
Page The story about Heedfulness (Dhammapada Verse 31)
Page Support Videos for Unit 4
Unit 5 : Usage of Cases Page Introduction
Page Nominative Case (Paṭhāma)
Page Accusative Case (Dutiyā)
Page Instrumental Case (Tatiyā)
Page Support Videos for Unit 5, pt.1
Page Resource : Dictionary
Page Dative Case (Catutthī)
Page Ablative Case (Pañcamī)
Page Genitive Case (Chaṭṭhī)
Page Support Videos for Unit 5, pt.2
Page Examples from Tipitaka
Page Story : Caratha Bhikkhave
Page Locative Case (Sattamī)
Page Vocative case
Page Revising Cases
Page Support Videos for Unit 5, pt.3
Page Story : Dhammapada Verse 46
Unit 6 : Intro to Feminine and Neuter nouns Page Introduction
Page Declension of a-ending Neuter Nouns
Page Vocabulary and Translation
Page Some important a-ending Neuter Nouns
Page Overview of vowel-ending nouns
Page Support Videos for Unit 6
Page Declension of ā-ending Feminine Nouns
Page Vocabulary and Translation
Page Indeclinables : ca & vā
Page Examples of ‘ca’ and ‘vā’ from Tipitaka
Page Story : Dhammapada Verse 50
Unit 7 : Present Tense Page Introduction to Pali Verbs
Page Verbal Bases and Terminations
Page a-ending verbal bases (bhāsa)
Page ā-ending verbal bases (suṇā)
Page o-ending verbal bases (karo)
Page e-ending verbal bases (dese)
Page Conjugation of bhavati & hoti
Page Resource : Tips on reading the suttas
Page Conjugation of atthi
Page Root √as + genitive case
Page natthi
Page Story : Dhammapada Verse 67
Unit 8 : Other Feminine Nouns and Future Tense Page i-ending Feminine Nouns
Page ī-ending Feminine Nouns (itthī)
Page u-ending & ū-ending Feminine Nouns
Page Pali to English Translation
Page Sentences from Tipitaka
Page Future Tense - Introduction
Page Future Tense : a-ending verbal bases
Page Future Tense : ā and o-ending verbal bases
Page Future Tense : e-ending verbal bases
Page Future Tense - Roots √hū, √bhū and √as
Page Future Tense - Sentences from Tipitaka
Page Story : Dhammapada Verse 76
Unit 9 : Other Masculine & Neuter Nouns, Adjectives and ‘ti’ Page Other vowel-ending masculine and neuter nouns
Page i & ī-ending Masculine and Neuter Nouns
Page u & ū-ending Masculine and Neuter Nouns
Page Revising Masculine & Neuter Nouns
Page Introduction to Adjectives
Page Adjectives : Examples and translation
Page Iti
Page Iti as quotation marks
Unit 10 : Past Tense Page Introduction
Page Conjugation of a, ā and o-ending verbal bases
Page Conjugation of e-ending verbal bases
Page Translation
Page Roots √bhū, √hū and √as
Page Irregular conjugation of verbs in Past Tense
Page Translation
Unit 11 : Agent Nouns, vantu-mantu ending nouns etc. Page Introduction
Page Nouns Expressing Relationship
Page Agent Nouns
Page Translation
Page Nouns with Irregular Declension
Page vantu-mantu ending nouns
Page Translation – Irregular Nouns
Page Translation – vantu-mantu ending nouns
Page Introduction to Pronouns
Page Personal Pronouns ‘amha’ and ‘tumha’
Page Translation
Unit 12 : Infinitives, Gerunds, Pronouns Page Introduction
Page Infinitives
Page Translation
Page Pronouns ‘ta’ and ‘eta’
Page Declension of different forms of pronoun ‘ta’
Page Declension of different forms of pronoun ‘eta’
Page ‘ta’ and ‘eta’ as Demonstrative Pronouns
Page Translation
Page Introduction (Gerunds)
Page Gerunds
Page Translation
Unit 13 : Imperative and Optative Mood, Pronouns Page Imperative Mood - Introduction
Page Conjugation of verbs in the Imperative Mood
Page Translation
Page Sentences from the Suttas
Page Pronouns ‘ima’ and ‘amu’
Page Translation for pronouns ‘ima’ and ‘amu’
Page Pronoun ‘sabba’
Page Translation
Page Optative Mood
Page Conjugation of verbs in the Optative Mood
Page Translation of sentences from the Suttas
Unit 14: Present Participles and Interrogative Pronouns Page Participles in Pali
Page Introduction to Present Participles
Page Translation
Page Declension of Present Participles
Page Masculine and Feminine Present Participles
Page Translation of Sentences from Tipitaka
Page Introduction to Interrogative Pronouns
Page Declension of interrogative pronoun ‘ka’
Page Indefinite Particle ‘ci’
Page Translation
Unit 15 - Past Participles Page Introduction
Page Past Participles
Page Past Participles in Passive Voice
Page Translation
Page Relative Pronouns and their Declension
Page Translation
Page Sentences from Tipitaka
Unit 16 - Future Passive Participles, Pronominal Adverbs & Causative Page Introduction
Page Translation
Page Pronominal Adverbs
Page Translation
Page Causitive
Page Translation
Page Sentences from Tipitaka
Unit 17 – Numbers Page Numbers
Page Declension of Numbers
Page Translation
Page Ordinal Numbers
Page Sentences from Tipitaka