Personal Pronoun ‘amha’

amha = I

Case Singular Plural
Paṭhamā ahaṃ mayaṃ, asmā, amhe, no
Dutiyā maṃ, mamaṃ amhaṃ, amhe, amhākaṃ, no
Tatiyā mayā, me amhehi, amhebhi, no
Catutthī mama, mayhaṃ, amhaṃ, mamaṃ, me amhaṃ, amhe, asmākaṃ, amhākaṃ, no
Pañcamī mayā amhehi, amhebhi, no
Chaṭṭhī mama, mayhaṃ, amhaṃ, mamaṃ, me amhaṃ, amhe, asmākaṃ, amhākaṃ, no
Sattamī mayi asmāsu, amhesu

The usage of the cases as studied for other nouns is valid for pronouns as well.

Thus, we can translate the above declined forms of pronoun amha as :

Singular Plural
Nominative –  I We
Accusative –  me / to me us / to us
Instrumental –  by / with / through me   by / with / through us
Dative –  to / for me to / for us
Ablative –  from me from us
Genitive –  of me / my / mine of us / our / ours
Locative –  in / on / upon me in / on / upon us


Personal Pronoun ‘tumha’

tumha = you

Case Singular Plural
Paṭhamā tvaṃ, tuvaṃ tumhe, vo
Dutiyā taṃ, tavaṃ, tuvaṃ, tvaṃ tumhaṃ, tumhe, tumhākaṃ, vo
Tatiyā tvayā, tayā, te tumhehi, tumhebhi, vo
Catutthī tava, tuyhaṃ, tumhaṃ, te tumhaṃ, tumhe, tumhākaṃ, vo
Pañcamī tvayā, tayā, tvamhā tumhehi, tumhebhi, vo
Chaṭṭhī tava, tuyhaṃ, tumhaṃ, te tumhaṃ, tumhe, tumhākaṃ, vo
Sattamī tvayi, tayi tumhesu

Thus, we can translate the above declined forms of pronoun tumha as :

Singular or Plural
Nominative –  You
Accusative –  you / to you
Instrumental –  by / with / through you
Dative –  to / for you
Ablative –  from you
Genitive –  of you / your / yours
Locative –  in / on / upon you


Please note that most of the suttas are the teachings given in person (face to face). Thus, we come across a lot of conversations in them, and pronouns like ‘I’ and ‘you’ occur quite frequently.

Let us translate a few sentences adopted from the Suttas with various declined forms of amha and tumha.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 October 2023, 9:36 AM