Vocabulary and Translation

Let us translate a few Pali sentences into English and revise the usage of cases with respect to feminine nouns.

  1. Vanitā araññaṃ gacchati.
    The woman goes to the forest.
    vanitā = nominative singular (subject) The verb gacchati (ending in ‘ti’) indicates that the subject is singular.
  2. Vanitā uyyānasmiṃ pupphāni saṃharanti.
    Women gather flowers in the park.
    vanitā = nominative plural (subject)
    The verb saṃharanti (ending in ‘nti’) indicates that the subject is plural.
  3. Vānījo vanitāhi saddhiṃ bhāsati.
    The merchant speaks with the women.
    vanitāhi = instrumental plural
  4. Upāsakā vanitāhi phalāni kiṇanti.
    The lay devotees buy fruits from the women.
    vanitāhi = ablative plural
  5. Vanitānaṃ puttā uyyānamhi kīḷanti.
    Sons of the women play in the park
    vanitānaṃ = genitive plural
  6. Yācako vanitaṃ upasaṅkamati.
    The beggar approaches a woman.
    vanitaṃ = accusative singular
  7. Ācariyo vanitāya saha bhāsati.
    The teacher speaks with a woman.
    vanitāya = instrumental singular (instrumental case can be easily identified if used with the words ‘saddhiṃ’ or ‘saha’)
  8. Samaṇo vanitāya dhammaṃ deseti.
    The monk teaches dhamma to a woman.
    vanitāya = dative singular (the woman is recipient / beneficiary / indirect object)
  9. Yācako vanitāya bhattaṃ yācati.
    The beggar begs / asks for food from a woman.
    vanitāya = ablative singular
  10. Vanitāya kukkuro maggena dhāvati.
    The dog of the woman runs along the road.
    vanitāya = genitive singular

Please note : The word vanitāya is common to sentences numbers 7 to 10. However in each of these sentences it represents a different case. We can identify the case and translate the sentence correctly based on the context.

Let us learn a few ā-ending feminine nouns and do some activities based on them.

  • kaññā = girl, daughter
  • chāyā = shade, shadow
  • gaṅgā = river, the Ganges
  • nāvā = boat
  • latā = creeper, vine
  • mālā = garland
  • pūjā = worship, veneration
  • devatā = deity
  • sabhā = assembly, hall
  • kathā = speech, talk
  • disā = direction
  • parisā = company, retinue
  • khudā = hunger
  • pipāsā = thirst
  • bhāsā = language
Audio for Feminine ā-ending nouns 1

Here are a few more ā-ending feminine nouns which are frequently used in the suttas :

  • bāhā = arm
  • gīvā = neck
  • jivhā = tongue
  • vācā = speech
  • gāthā = verse
  • kaṅkhā = doubt
  • vijjā = knowledge
  • avijjā = ignorance
  • taṇhā = craving
  • abhijjhā = greed, covetousness
  • sikkhā = training
  • saddhā = faith, devotion
  • vedanā = feeling, sensation
  • saññā = perception
  • paññā = wisdom, insight
  • cetanā = volition
  • mettā = loving kindness
  • karuṇā = compassion
  • muditā = sympathetic joy
  • upekkhā = equanimity
Audio for Feminine ā-ending nouns 2
Last modified: Thursday, 13 June 2024, 8:15 PM