Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa Saccapabbaṃpabbaṃ, Part Three: Samudayasaccaniddeso
Exposition of the Truth of the Cessation of Suffering


Nirodhasaccaniddeso Exposition of the Truth of the
Cessation of Suffering
“Katamañca, bhikkhave, dukkhanirodhaṃ ariyasaccaṃ? “And what, monks, is the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering?
Yo tassāyeva taṇhāya asesavirāganirodho cāgo paṭinissaggo mutti anālayo. It is the complete fading away and cessation of this very craving, forsaking it and giving it up; the liberation from it, leaving no place for it.
Sā kho panesā, bhikkhave, taṇhā kattha pahīyamānā pahīyati, kattha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati? But where may this craving, monks, be eradicated; where may it be extinguished?
Yaṃ loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.

Wherever in the world [of mind and matter] there is something enticing and pleasurable: there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
Kiñca loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ? But what in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable?
Cakkhu loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
Sotaṃ loke…pe…
ghānaṃ loke…
jivhā loke…
kāyo loke…
mano loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
The eye in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The ear … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The nose … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The tongue … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The body … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished. The mind in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
Rūpā loke…
saddā loke…
gandhā loke…
rasā loke…
phoṭṭhabbā loke…
dhammā loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
Visible objects, material forms in the world [of mind and matter], is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
Sounds … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
Smells … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
Tastes … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
Touch … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The contents of the mind in the world [of mind and matter] are enticing and pleasurable; there this craving arises and gets established.
Cakkhuviññāṇaṃ loke…
sotaviññāṇaṃ loke…
ghānaviññāṇaṃ loke…
jivhāviññāṇaṃ loke…
kāyaviññāṇaṃ loke…
manoviññāṇaṃ loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
The eye consciousness in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The ear consciousness … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The nose consciousness … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The tongue consciousness … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The body consciousness … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The mind consciousness in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving arises and gets established.
Cakkhusamphasso loke…
sotasamphasso loke…
ghānasamphasso loke…
jivhāsamphasso loke…
kāyasamphasso loke…
manosamphasso loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
The eye contact in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The ear-contact … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished. The nose-contact … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The tongue-contact … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The body-contact … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The mind-contact in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
Cakkhusamphassajā vedanā loke…
sotasamphassajā vedanā loke…
ghānasamphassajā vedanā loke…
jivhāsamphassajā vedanā loke…
kāyasamphassajā vedanā loke…
manosamphassajā vedanā loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
The sensation arising from the eye-contact in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The sensation arising from the ear-contact … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The sensation arising from the nose-contact … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The sensation arising from the tongue-contact … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The sensation arising from the body-contact … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The sensation arising from the mind-contact in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving arises and gets established.
Rūpasaññā loke…
saddasaññā loke…
gandhasaññā loke…
rasasaññā loke…
phoṭṭhabbasaññā loke…
dhammasaññā loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
The perception of visible objects, of material forms, in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The perception of sounds … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The perception of smells … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished. T
he perception of tastes … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The perception of touch … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The perception of mental contents in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving arises and gets established.
Rūpasañcetanā loke…
saddasañcetanā loke…
gandhasañcetanā loke…
rasasañcetanā loke…
phoṭṭhabbasañcetanā loke…
dhammasañcetanā loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
The mental reaction to visible objects in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The mental reaction to sounds … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The mental reaction to smells … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The mental reaction to tastes … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The mental reaction to touch … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The mental reaction to mind objects, mental contents in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving arises and gets established.
Rūpataṇhā loke…
saddataṇhā loke…
gandhataṇhā loke…
rasataṇhā loke…
phoṭṭhabbataṇhā loke…
dhammataṇhā loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
The craving after visible objects in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The craving after sounds … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The craving after smells … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The craving after tastes … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished. The craving after touch … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished. T
he craving after mind objects, mental contents in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving arises and gets established.
Rūpavitakko loke…
saddavitakko loke…
gandhavitakko loke…
rasavitakko loke…
phoṭṭhabbavitakko loke…
dhammavitakko loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
The thought conception27 of visible objects in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The thought conception of sounds … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The thought conception of smells … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The thought conception of tastes … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The thought conception of touch … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The thought conception of mind objects, mental contents in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving arises and gets established.
Rūpavicāro loke…
saddavicāro loke…
gandhavicāro loke…
rasavicāro loke…
phoṭṭhabbavicāro loke…
dhammavicāro loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati, ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.
The rolling in thoughts of visible objects in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The rolling in thoughts of sounds … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The rolling in thoughts of smells … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The rolling in thoughts of tastes … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The rolling in thoughts of touch … is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving may be eradicated and extinguished.
The rolling in thoughts of mind objects, mental contents in the world [of mind and matter] is enticing and pleasurable; there this craving arises and gets established.
Idaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, dukkhanirodhaṃ ariyasaccaṃ. This, monks, is the Noble Truth of the Arising of Suffering.

Last modified: Sunday, 13 October 2024, 6:45 PM