Verse 70

धम्मस्स भूसनो भब्बो, 
धीरो धम्मपतिट्ठितो; 
अग्गपतिट्ठितो अग्गो, 
बुद्धं तं पणमाम्यहं.
Dhammassa bhūsano bhabbo, 
Dhīro dhammapatiṭṭhito; 
Aggapatiṭṭhito aggo, 
Buddhaṃ taṃ paṇamāmyahaṃ.
I bow to the Buddha,
The best embellishment of Dhamma,
He was resolute and established in the Dhamma,
A great pioneer and the most respected.


  1. bhūsano - ornament, embellishment
  2. bhabbo - proper, right, fit for
  3. dhīro - wise, resolute
  4. patiṭṭhito (pp. of patiṭṭhahati) - firm, established, arrayed
Last modified: Friday, 5 June 2020, 12:29 PM