Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa

Introduction to 1.2.4
Pātubhāvasuttaṃ - Rare Manifestations

The Pātubhāvasutta is again found in the Aṅguttaranikāyo, the chapter of six items, Chakkanipātapāḷi.

This sutta lays out six advantageous prerequisites that assist one in encountering, traversing, and developing the Noble Eightfold Path. Most are straightforward although two of them could use a little further explanation. The first of these is:

… indriyānaṃ avekallatā dullabhā lokasmiṃ …

The complete lack of any deficiency of the senses is difficult to be encountered in this world!

Something that seems to be quite natural is indeed a good fortune. Is one aware that possessing good health and unhindered sense perception (indriyānaṃ avekallatā, ajaḷatā aneḷamūgatā) — with the good fortune of the previously mentioned realities in this sutta — puts one in the position, to understand Dhamma, practice it and walk in Dhamma?

The second, with the help of some explanation, is the rebirth in the Ariyan region. Ariyāyatane is the region or sphere where the Ariyan people dwell, from whom one can get inspiration. An individual becomes an ariyā after entering the stream of liberation by destroying at least the first three fetters, thus experiencing nibbana and reaching one of the four stages of liberation. To be born and able to live in such a region and then making the right choices is indeed an important welfare, maṅgala.1

Patirūpadesavāso2 ca, pubbe ca katapuññatā;

Attasammāpaṇidhi3 ca, etaṃ maṅgalamuttamaṃ.

A suitable place of abode, the merit of past good deeds,

Right aspirations for oneself — this is the highest welfare.


1. For full details of the 37 maṅgāla (wholesome welfare for the householders), see 3.6.8 Maṅgālasuttaṃ - The Householder’s Wholesome Blessings.

2. patirūpadesavāso: patirūpa + desavāso — suitable, proper + region, country.

3. attasammāpaṇidhi: atta + sammā + paṇidhi — self + right + aspiration.

Last modified: Friday, 24 November 2023, 6:44 PM