Verse 4

सब्बुत्तमो सत्था सेट्ठो,
समणग्गो सन्तिस्सरो;
अरियधम्मं अञ्‍ञासि.
बुद्धं तं पणमाम्यहं.
Sabbuttamo satthā seṭṭho,
Samaṇaggo santissaro;
Ariyadhammaṃ aññāsi.
Buddhaṃ taṃ paṇamāmyahaṃ.
I bow to the Buddha,
Best and greatest amongst teachers,
Foremost among monks, Lord of peace,
Supreme knower of the Noble Dhamma.


  1. sabbuttamo - highest, greatest of all
  2. satthā - teacher
  3. seṭṭho - best
  4. samaṇaggo - foremost among monks
    (samaṇa+aggo asetics+foremost)
  5. santissaro - Lord of peace
    (santi+issaro - peace+lord/ruler)
  6. ariyadhammaṃ aññāsi - supreme knower of the Noble Dhamma
    (aññāsi: aor. of jānāti/ājānāti know/understand)
Last modified: Friday, 17 January 2025, 6:49 PM