3.6.3 The Causes of Downfall*

Thus it has been heard by me: At a certain time the Bhagavā was dwelling at Jeta’s Grove in Anāthapindika’s Park near Sāvatti. Then indeed, when the night was far advanced, a certain deity, with surpassing hue, illuminating the whole of Jeta’s Grove, approached the Bhagavā and, having approached and respectfully greeted the Bhagavā, stood on one side. Having stood on one side the deity addressed the Bhagavā in a stanza:

“Who is he, the man that goes to ruin?
This we ask you, O’ Gotama.
We have come to the Bhagavā to ask:
What is the cause of downfall for man?”

“Easy to know what leads to prosperity,
Easy to know as well what leads to ruin,
The prospering man likes righteousness.
The one who hates righteousness goes to ruin.”

“This indeed do we know,
That is the first cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us the second now,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“One who appreciates the company of the wicked,
Finds no delight in the company of the virtuous,
But gets attracted by the doctrine of the vicious.
That is the cause of the ruin for man.”

“This indeed do we know,
That is the second cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us the third now,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“Fond of sleep, fond of company - a blabbermouth,
That man who is lethargic,
Being lazy he has anger as his distinct sign.
That is the cause of the ruin for man.”

“This indeed do we know,
That is the third cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us the fourth now,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“He who, the mother or the father,
Grown old, gone beyond youth,
Himself being well to do, but does not support them.
That is the cause of the ruin for man”.

“This indeed do we know,
That is the fourth cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us the now fifth,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“Whoever, whether Brahmin or recluse,
Or any other spiritual mendicant,
Deceives them by falsehood.
That is the cause of the ruin for man”.

“This indeed do we know,
That is the fifth cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us now the sixth,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“With ample wealth,
With gold and food delight,
But one enjoys all these luxuries just by himself.
That is the cause of the ruin for man”.

“This indeed do we know,
That is the sixth cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us the seventh now,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“Proud of birth or proud of wealth,
Or conceited with his caste, that man,
Despises one's own kinsmen.
That is the cause of the ruin for man.”

“This indeed do we know,
That is the seventh cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us the eighth now,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“He is womanizer, a drunkard,
And a gambler too,
Such a one squanders all he has gained.
That is the cause of the ruin for man.”

“This indeed do we know,
That is the eighth cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us now the ninth,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“Not contented with one's own wife,
One is seen with harlots, and with courtesans,
Also seen with the wives of others.
That is the cause of the ruin for man.”

“This indeed do we know,
That is the ninth cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us now the tenth,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“Being gone past one's youth,
Still he gets involved with a young wife,
Out of jealousy because of her he can not get sleep.
That is the cause of the ruin for man.”

“This indeed do we know,
That is the tenth cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us the eleventh now,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“He places in authority a woman that is
Addicted to drinking and squandering,
Or (places in authority) a man of a like behaviour.
That is the cause of the ruin for man.”

“This indeed do we know,
That is the eleventh cause of ruin.
O’ Bhagavā tell us the twelfth now,
What is the cause of the ruin for man?”

“Of slender means but vast ambition,
Born in the royal clan,
He craves for rulership.
That is the cause of the ruin for man.”

Knowing well these causes that lead to downfall in the world
The wise endowed with insight,
Having well considered them all,
Will associate with the happy realms.”

Parābhavasuttaṃ: Parābhava + suttaṃ: Downfall + sutta

Last modified: Monday, 14 December 2015, 8:31 AM