Exploring the Sacred, Ancient Path
in the Original Words of the Buddha

Chapter One:

1: So Fortunate Who Encounters

1.1.0: Bahujanahitasuttaṃ - For the Benefit of Many

1.2: Dullabho - So Rare!

1.2.0: Dullabho - So Rare!

1.2.1: Ekapuggalavaggo - The One Person

1.2.2: Puggalavaggo - The Two Rare Individuals

1.2.3: Dullabhasuttaṃ - Difficult to Encounter

1.2.4: Pātubhāvasuttaṃ - Rare Manifestations

1.2.5: Brahmajālasuttavaṇṇanā - So Rare!

1.2.6: Dutiyachiggaḷayugasuttaṃ - The Second Simile of the Turtle

1.3: Appakā te manussesu - So Few Out of Many Humans

1.3.0: Appakā te manussesu - So Few Out of Many Humans

1.3.1: Saṅgāravasuttaṃ - The Questions of Saṅgāravo

1.3.2: Orimatīrasuttaṃ - The Hither and the Further Shore

1.3.3: Pāraṅgamasuttaṃ - The Going Beyond

1.3.4: Catutthavaggo - The Few and the Many

1.3.5: Maṇḍūkadevaputtavimānavatthu - The Frog Transforms into a Deva

1.3.6: Tamotamasuttaṃ - From Darkness or Brightness to Brightness or Darkness

1.3.7: Hirīsuttaṃ - By Sense of Shame

1.3.8: Caṅkamasuttaṃ - Bound Together by Inclinations

1.3.9: Saṅghabhedasuttaṃ - The Schism in the Saṅgha

1.4: tena me samaṇā piyā - That Is Why the Samaṇās Are Dear to Me

1.4.0: Cūḷahatthipadopamasuttaṃ, Part One - Saddhā, Confidence Is the Necessary Base for Walking the Path

1.4.1: Rohinītherīgāthā, Part One - That Is Why They Are So Dear to Me

1.4.2: Vandana: Esa Bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho - Inspiration Gained through the Ariyan Disciples

1.4.3: Dhajaggasuttaṃ - Verses for Protection

1.4.4: Sekhasuttaṃ - Seven Befitting Qualities of an Ariyan Disciple

1.4.5: Araññasuttaṃ - Serene Dwelling in the Forest

1.4.6: Cūḷagosiṅgasuttaṃ - Like Milk and Water Dwelling in Harmony

1.4.7: Ānāpānassatisuttaṃ, Part One - Free from Prattle and Chatter is this Assembly

1.4.8: Karaṇīyamettasuttaṃ, Part One - Pursuing One’s Own Good and the Well-being of Others

1.4.9: Ratanasuttaṃ - Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Saṅgha

1.4.10: Sāmaññaphalasuttaṃ - Pointing Out the Way to One Who Is Lost

Chapter Two:

2.1: Kutikasuttaṃ – A Beneficial Path for One and All

2.1.0: Kutikasuttaṃ - Leaving Behind All Bondages

2.1.1: Kesamuttisuttaṃ, Part One - Don't Believe in Tradition, in Hearsay, in Teachers but Your Own Experience, Part One

2.1.2: Kesamuttisuttaṃ, Part Two - Don't Believe in Tradition, in Hearsay, in Teachers but Your Own Experience, Part Two

2.1.3: Abhiṇhapaccavekkhitabbaṭhānasuttaṃ - Born of One's own Kamma

2.1.4: Paṭhama-asappurisasuttaṃ - About an Unworthy Person

2.1.5: Sevitabbasuttaṃ - What One Should Associate With?

2.1.6: Cintīsuttaṃ - The Characteristics of Foolish and of Wise People

2.1.7: Paṭhamapaṭipadāsuttaṃ - How to Walk the Path Correctly

2.1.8: Dutiyapaṭipadāsuttaṃ - Why One Ought to Walk the Path Correctly

2.1.9: Paṭhamasāmaññasuttaṃ - About Being a Sāmañña and the Fruits Thereof

2.1.10: Dutiyasāmaññasuttaṃ - The Purpose of Being a Sāmañña

2.1.11: Paṭhamabrahmannasuttaṃ & Dutiyabrahmaññasuttaṃ - About Being a Brahmañña and the Fruits Thereof & The Purpose of Being a Brahmañña

2.1.12: Paṭhamabrahmacariyasuttaṃ & Dutiyabrahmacariyasuttaṃ - Leading a Holy Life and the Fruits Thereof & The Purpose of the Holy Life

2.1.13: Arakasuttaṃ - Make the Best Use of This Short Life.

2.1.14: Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve - And One who Lives a Hundred Years

2.1.15: Phussattheragāthā - ‘2500 Years Are Over!’ The Clock of Vipassana Has Struck! Make Use of this Rare Opportunity!

Chapter Three:

3.1 The Ariyo Aṭṭhaṅgiko Maggo

3.1.0: Dhammānussati - Recollecting the Qualities of the Dhamma So Well-Explained

3.1.1: Buddhāna - The Teaching of the Buddhas

3.1.2: Sīsapāvanasuttaṃ - Like a Handful of Leaves

3.1.3: Dhammacakkappavattanasuttaṃ, Part One - Avoiding Two Extremes and Pursuing the Middle Path

3.1.4: Vibhaṅgasuttaṃ, Part One - An Exposition of the Noble Eightfold Path

3.1.5: Paṭhamaparisuddhasuttaṃ - An Utterly Pure Path for Any Householder to Tread On!

3.1.6: Dutiyaparisuddhasuttaṃ - Walking the Path of Dhamma Uprightly

3.1.7: Jāṇussoṇibrāhmaṇasuttaṃ - The Maggayāna, the Vehicle of the Path That Is Produced from Within

3.1.8: Upaḍḍhasuttaṃ - The Importance of a Kalyāṇamitta

3.2: Sammādiṭṭhi - Right View

3.2.0: Samuddakasuttaṃ - Sown Is the Seed

3.2.1: Yamakavaggo - Sārañca sārato ñatvā - Perceiving the Essential

3.2.2: Vibhaṅgasuttaṃ, Part Two: Sammādiṭṭhi - What Is Right View?

3.2.3: Dhammacakkappavattanasuttaṃ, Part Two - The Four Noble Truths Have to Be Fully Realized Saccapabbaṃpabbaṃ, Part One: Dukkhasaccaniddeso - Exposition of the Truth of Suffering Saccapabbaṃpabbaṃ, Part Two: Samudayasaccaniddeso - Exposition of the Truth of the Arising of Suffering Saccapabbaṃpabbaṃ, Part Three: Nirodhasaccaniddeso - Exposition of the Truth of the Cessation of Suffering Saccapabbaṃpabbaṃ, Part Four: Maggasaccaniddeso - Exposition of the Truth of the of the Path

3.2.5: Sammādiṭṭhisuttaṃ - Assuring the Path

3.2.6: Sammādiṭṭhisuttaṃ - Who Is One Safeguarding Right View?

3.2.7: Mahācattārīsakasuttaṃ, Part One - Discerning Wrong View and Developing Right View

3.2.8: Bījavaggo - Neem and Sugarcane

3.2.9: Girimānandasuttaṃ, Part One - What Is Perception of Impermanence?

3.2.10: Anattalakkhaṇasuttaṃ - Characteristics of Not Self

3.2.11: Kathāvatthu - Refuting Wrong Doctrines

3.3: Sammāsaṅkappo - Right Thoughts: Mind Precedes All Phenomena

3.3.0: Sammāsaṅkappo - Right Thoughts: Mind Precedes All Phenomena

3.3.1: Vibhaṅgasuttaṃ, Part Three - What Is Right Thought (Sammāsaṅkappo)?

3.3.2: Āghātavatthusuttaṃ - Ill Will Arising

3.3.3: Vitakkasuttaṃ - Thoughts to Avoid and to Engage In

3.3.4: Cintasuttaṃ - Thoughts to be Avoided and to Be Performed

3.3.5: Mahācattārīsakasuttaṃ, Part Two - Discerning Wrong Thoughts and Developing Right Thoughts

3.3.6: Ambalaṭṭhikarāhulovādasuttaṃ, Part One - How to Train Oneself and to Confess Shortcomings to One's Elders

3.3.7: Ambalaṭṭhikarāhulovādasuttaṃ, Part Two - How to Train Oneself and to Confess Shortcomings to One's Elders

3.3.8: Dvedhāvitakkasuttaṃ, Part One - Reducing Wrong Thoughts and Strengthening Right Thoughts

3.3.9: Dvedhāvitakkasuttaṃ, Part Two - Reducing Wrong Thoughts and Strengthening Right Thoughts

3.3.10: Lekhasuttaṃ - Generating Saṅkhāra Like Rock, Earth or Water

3.3.11: Girimānandasuttaṃ, Part Two - What Is Perception of Rejection?

3.3.12: Piyatarasuttaṃ - Who Is Dearer Than Oneself?

3.4: Sammāvācā - Right Speech

3.4.1: Pupphavaggo - Words Like Those of a Flower

3.4.2.: Vibhaṅgasuttaṃ, Part Four - What Is Sammāvācā (Right Speech)?

3.4.3: Vācāsuttaṃ - What Are the Characteristics of Blameless Speech?

3.4.4: Musāvādasuttaṃ - The Consequences of Wrong Speech

3.4.5: Upālisuttaṃ - How to Conduct Oneself Correctly in Right Speech?

3.4.6: Cundasuttaṃ - About Speech That Should Be Avoided and That Should Be Performed, Part One

3.4.7: Tiracchānakathāsuttaṃ - Avoiding Idle Chatter?

3.4.8: Mahācattārīsakasuttaṃ - Discerning Wrong Speech and Developing Right Speech

3.4.9: Kosambiyasuttaṃ - Quarrel Breeds Disharmony

3.4.10: Vivādasuttaṃ - How Quarrel Arises

3.4.11: Pavāraṇābhedā - Invitation to Openness!

3.4.12: Pañhabyākaraṇasuttaṃ - How Questions Should Get Answered?

3.4.13: Udāyīsuttaṃ - How Dhamma Should Be Taught?

3.4.14: Buddhānussatikathā - sugato - Which Speech Does a Buddha Utter?

3.4.15: Buddha-apadānaṃ - Buddha's Instruction

3.5: Sammākammanto - Right Actions

3.5.0: Sammākammanto - Right Actions- Introduction

3.5.1: Vibhaṅgasuttaṃ, Part Five - What Is Right Action?

3.5.2: Cārittaṃ - The Training of Performing and Avoiding

3.5.3: Upālisuttaṃ, Part Two - How to Avoid Wrong Action?

3.5.4: Cundasuttaṃ, Part Two - How to Conduct Oneself Correctly in Right Action?

3.5.5: Potaliyasuttaṃ - Pāṇātipātaṃ pahāya pāṇātipātā paṭivirato - How to Abandon the Destruction of Life?

3.5.6: Daṇḍasuttaṃ - Why Never Beat with a Stick?

3.5.7: Rūpādivaggo - The One Thing That Upsets the Mind

3.5.8: Methunasuttaṃ - How to Live a Real Celibate Life?

3.5.9: Mahācattārīsakasuttaṃ - Discerning Wrong Action and Developing Right Action

3.5.10: Cūḷakammavibhaṅgasuttaṃ: - The Result of Unwholesome and Wholesome Actions, Part One

3.5.11: Aṅkurapetavatthu - Not Even Harming a Tree

3.6: Sammā-ājīvo - Right Livelihood

3.6.0: Sammā-ājīvo - Dhammikasuttaṃ– Introduction to Right Livelihood

3.6.1: Vibhaṅgasuttaṃ, Part Six - What Is Right Livelihood?

3.6.2.: Vaṇijjāsuttaṃ - Five Kind of Trades to Be Avoided

3.6.3: Parābhavasuttaṃ - The Causes of Downfall

3.6.4: Kumārakasuttaṃ - Result of Ignorance

3.6.5: Siṅgālasuttaṃ - The Buddha’s Advice to Laypeople, Part One

3.6.6: Siṅgālasuttaṃ - The Buddha’s Advice to Laypeople, Part Two

3.6.7: Dīghajāṇusuttaṃ - Earning One’s Bread Honestly by the Sweat of One’s Brow

3.6.8: Maṅgālasuttaṃ - the Householder Wholesome Blessings

3.6.9: Cūḷakammavibhaṅgasuttaṃ - The Result of Unwholesome and Wholesome Actions, Part Two

3.6.10: Sīlānisaṃsakathā - What Are the Benefits of a Virtuous Life?

3.6.11: Paṭhamasamajīvīsuttaṃ - How a Couple Can Meet Again for Many Lives?

3.6.12: Cakkavattisuttaṃ - The Duties of a Righteous King

3.6.13: Sārandadasuttaṃ - How to Live in Harmony and True Democracy?

3.6.14: Mahācattārīsakasuttaṃ - Discerning Wrong Livelihood and Developing Right

3.6.15: Sīlappabhedakathā - Easy to Fall Prey to Breakage of Sīla

3.7: Sammāvāyāmo - Right Effort

3.7.0: Sīlalakkhaṇapañho - Proceeding Further on the Path - the Wholesome Base of Sīla Is Only a Precondition

3.7.1: Vibhaṅgasuttaṃ, Part Seven - What Is Right Effort?

3.7.2: Ālasāyanuyoge - Beware of the Dangers of Idleness by Keeping Up Unyielding Energy!

3.7.3: Saṃvarasuttaṃ - Avoiding Unwholesome and Maintaining the Wholesome

3.7.4: Indriyabhāvanāsutta - Mastering the Sense-faculties

3.7.5: Akammaniyavaggo & Adantavaggo - Mastering the Mind

3.7.6: Indriyasaṃvarasīlaṃ - Maintaining One’s Object of Meditation Unobstructed!

3.7.7: Cundasuttaṃ, Part Three - Purifying Oneself by Training One`s Mind properly

3.7.8: Nīvaraṇapabbaṃ - Mastering the Hindrances

3.7.9: Ānāpānassatisutta - Satta Bojjhaṅge - Satta Bojjhaṅge – Perfecting the Seven Factors of Enlightenment

3.7.10: Soṇakoḷivisavatthu - Balanced Endeavour Should Resemble Strings of a Veeṇa Properly Tuned

3.7.11: Upaññātasuttaṃ - ‘Let My Efforts be Maintained until I Have Attained What Is Attainable!’ - About Strong Determination

3.7.12: Assājānīyasuttaṃ - Eight Extolled Virtues that Qualify a Follower of the Path - Working in a Balanced Way!

3.8: Sammāsati - Right Awareness

3.8.0: Samādhisuttaṃ - The Entire Teaching in One Verse!

3.8.1: Vibhaṅgasuttaṃ, Part Eight - What Is Sammāsati - Right Awareness? - A concern Expressed!

3.8.2: Satisuttaṃ - Remaining Sato and Sampajāno

3.8.3: Ekadhammasuttaṃ - The Value of Ānāpānassati and the Fruits Gained Thereof

3.8.4: Ānāpānassatisuttaṃ cont. - How Does the Full Cultivation of Ānāpānassati Nurture Full Development of the Four Satipaṭṭhāna?

3.8.5: Kāyagatāsativaggo - The Many Benefits Derived from the Bodily Awareness

3.8.6: Manasikārakosallaṃ - Proficiency in Maintaining Proper Attention in a Skillful Way

3.8.7: Vedanānupassanā - The Particular Importance of Vedanā

3.8.8: Paṭhamaākāsasuttaṃ & Agārasuttaṃ - Realizing Vedanā Results in Going Beyond: Saṅkhyaṃ nopeti vedagū

3.8.9: Pahānasuttaṃ - How Are the Sensations Related to rāga, paṭighā and avijjā?

3.8.10: Pātālasuttaṃ– - How to Endure Negative Experiences and Realise Proper Comprehension of Dukkha?

3.8.11: Sallasuttaṃ - The Distinction, the Contrast and the Difference between a Puthujjano and an Ariyasāvako

3.8.12: Cittānupassanā - The Observation of Mind – Understanding Its Character

3.8.13: Dhammānupassanā āyatanapabbaṃ - Understanding the Contents of the Mind - The Section on the Sense Spheres

3.8.14: Dutiyagelaññasuttaṃ - Allow the Time to Ripen- Kālaṃ āgameyya!

3.8.15: Chachakkasuttaṃ - The Dependent Arising of Vedanā and Its Crucial Importance on the Path of Deliverance

3.8.16: Mahāparinibbānasuttaṃ, Veḷuvagāmavassūpagamanaṃ, - Be an Island within Yourselves (attadīpā viharatha attasaraṇā)

(Lessons under preparation to be released later)

3.9: Sammāsamādhi - Right Concentration

3.9.0: Cūḷahatthipadopamasuttaṃ, Part Two - Walking the Path to the End based on Enlightened Saddhā

3.9.1: Vibhaṅgasuttaṃ, Part Nine - What, Bhikkhus, Is Right Concentration

3.9.2: Samādhisuttaṃ - Noble Right Concentration Equipped with Its Means and Accessories

3.9.3: Samādhisuttaṃ - How to Develop Samādhi.

3.9.4: Samādhisuttaṃ - Understanding Things Clearly As They Really Are 

3.9.5: Samādhibhāvanāsuttaṃ - How Concentration Gets Developed 

3.9.6: Soṇakoḷivisavatthu cont. - As a Rock Is Never Moved 

3.9.7: Kāyagatāsatisutta - Similes in Regards to Entering and Dwelling in Jhānic Absorptions 

3.9.8: Mahākassapattheragāthā - Meditating in Natures Calm

3.10: Paticcasamuppada and the Tikapatthana

3.10.0 : Saṅghāṭikaṇṇasuttaṃ – yo paṭiccasamuppādaṃ passati so dhammaṃ passati - Part One

3.10.1 : Paṭhamabodhisuttaṃ paṭiccasamuppā anuloma - Part One

3.10.2: Dutiyabodhisuttaṃ paṭiccasamuppā paṭiloma - Part Two

3.10.3: Tatiyabodhisuttaṃ paṭiccasamuppā anuloma-paṭiloma - Part Three

3.10.4: Paticcasamuppada - Part Four

3.10.5: Paticcasamuppada - Part Five

3.10.6 : Abhidhamma - Introduction and Terminology

3.10.7 : Paṭṭhānapāli – Mātikā - Classification of the Universe : Abhidhamma - Citta, Part One - States of Consciousness : Abhidhamma - Citta, Part Two - States of Consciousness : Abhidhamma - Cittavīthi - The Process of Cognition Abhidhamma - Cetasikā, Part One - Kāmāvacarakusalaṃ - Mental Concomitants – Abhidhamma - Cetasikā, Part Two - Dvādasa akusalāni cittāni - Mental Concomitants

3.10.10: Abhidhamma - Rūpa - Matter or Material Qualities

3.10.11: Tikapaṭṭhāna - Paccayuddeso or Paṭṭhānamātikā - Description of the Conditions

3.10.12: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Paccayaniddeso - Exposition of the Conditions Tikapaṭṭhāna, Part One - Pucchavāro - Determining questions Tikapaṭṭhāna, Part Two - Pucchavāro - Giving replies

3.10.14: Tikapaṭṭhāna - Survey about the Paṭṭhānapāli

3.10.15: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - A comparison between the ‘Day 5 chanting’ and the ‘long Tikapaṭṭhāna’ - a) hetupaccayo - root condition

3.10.16: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - b) ārammaṇa-paccayo – object condition

3.10.17: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - c) adhipati-paccayo – predominance condition

3.10.18: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - d) anantara-paccayo, samanantara-paccayo - preceding and immediately preceding conditions

3.10.19: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - e) sahajāta-paccayo, aññamañña-paccayo - co-arising and mutuality conditions

3.10.20: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - f) nissaya-paccayo, upanissaya-paccayo - support and decisive support conditions

3.10.21: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - g) purejāta-paccayo, pacchājāta-paccayo - prior arising and posterior arising conditions

3.10.22: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - h)  āsevana-paccayo - repetition condition

3.10.23: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - i) āhāra-paccayo - nutriment condition

3.10.24: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - j) kamma-paccayo, vipāka-paccayo – kamma and resultant conditions

3.10.25: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - k) indriya-paccayo - faculty condition

3.10.26: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - l) jhāna-paccayo, magga-paccayo - jhāna and path conditions

3.10.27: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - m) sampayutta-paccayo, vippayutta-paccayo - association and dissociation conditions

3.10.28: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - n) atthi-paccayo, natthi-paccayo - presence and absence conditions

3.10.29: Tikapaṭṭhāna – Niddeso and Pañhāvāro, Vibhaṅgavāro - o) vigata-paccayo, avigata-paccayo - disappearance and non-disappearance conditions

Chapter Four:

4.1 Enabeling Generosity, Compassion and Goodwill

4.1.1: Attavaggo - You Are Your Own Master

4.2: Dāna

4.2.1: Dānasuttaṃ - Do Not Miss the Opportunity to Give Dāna!

4.2.2: Dānavatthusuttaṃ - Reasons for Giving Dāna

4.2.3: Aṅkurapetavatthu - Giving with the Proper Attitude and Proper Measure

4.2.4: Paṭhamadānasuttaṃ - Ways of Giving Dāna

4.2.5: Asappurisadānasuttaṃ - How Giving Should not Be Performed and How It Should Be Performed?

4.2.6: Sappurisadānasuttaṃ - The Giving of a Noble Person

4.2.7: Sappurisadānasuttaṃ - Gifts from a Noble Person

4.2.8: Kāladānasuttaṃ - Knowing the Appropriate Time to Give Dāna

4.2.9: Dānānisaṃsasuttaṃ - The Benefits Derived from Giving Dāna

4.2.10: Sīhasenāpatisuttaṃ - Trust Only Your Own Experience

4.2.11: Dānamahapphalasuttaṃ - The Different Results of the Same Donation Depend on the Intention

4.2.12: Samacittavaggo - The Gift of Parenthood

4.3: Mettā

4.3.1: Sayampi kkhahetuttamiti - You Are Yourself the Cause of Pain

4.3.2: Ahirājasuttaṃ - If Metta Was Practised

4.3.3: Mettāsuttaṃ - Eight Advantages of Practicing Metta

4.3.4: Mettāsuttaṃ - The Eleven Advantages of Practicing Metta

4.3.5: Accharāsaṅghātavaggo - If Metta Is Practised within the Snap of a Finger

4.3.6: Mettābhāvanāsuttaṃ - Applied Metta Surpasses All

4.3.7: Ettha mettāsahagatenāti mettāya samannāgatena - How One Should Dwell Suffused with Mettā

4.3.8: Karaṇīyametta Suttaṃ, cont. - How Mettā Should Be Practiced

4.3.9: Maṅgala-āsiṃsanā - An Ancient Wishing for Well-being

Last modified: Friday, 4 October 2024, 4:53 PM