Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa

1.2.3 Dullabhasuttaṃ - Difficult to Encounter

Dullabhasuttaṃ Difficult to Encounter
“Tiṇṇaṃ, bhikkhave, pātubhāvo dullabho lokasmiṃ. “Three kinds of appearances are difficult to be encountered in this world.
Katamesaṃ tiṇṇaṃ? What are these three?
Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pātubhāvo dullabho lokasmiṃ,

tathāgatappaveditassa dhammavinayassa desetā puggalo dullabho lokasmiṃ,

kataññū katavedī puggalo dullabho lokasmiṃ.
The appearance, Bhikkhus, of a Tathāgata, an Arahant, a Sammāsambuddha is difficult to encounter in this world.

Likewise, an appearance of a person who can expound the Dhamma and the Vinaya as taught by the Tathāgata can rarely be found in this world and likewise the appearance of a person who is grateful and obliged is difficult to be encountered in this world.
Imesaṃ kho, bhikkhave, tiṇṇaṃ pātubhāvo dullabho lokasmin”ti. These are the three kinds of appearances, Bhikkhus, that can rarely be found in this world.”

Last modified: Monday, 9 December 2024, 7:31 PM