Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa

1.3.3 Pāraṅgamasuttaṃ - The Going Beyond

Pāraṅgamasuttaṃ The Going Beyond
Sāvatthinidānaṃ. This was explained at Savatthi.
“Aṭṭhime, bhikkhave, dhammā bhāvitā bahulīkatā apārā pāraṃ gamanāya saṃvattanti. “There are, Bhikkhus, eight states that if cultivated and developed lead to the state to which no further and no hither states exist.
Katame aṭṭha? What are these eight?
Seyyathidaṃ– sammādiṭṭhi, … pe … sammāsamādhi. They are– right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right awareness, and right concentration.
Ime kho, bhikkhave, aṭṭha dhammā bhāvitā bahulīkatā apārā pāraṃ gamanāya saṃvattantī”ti. These, Bhikkhus, are the eight states that if cultivated and developed lead to the state to which neither hither nor further states exist.”
Idamavoca bhagavā. Thus spoke the Bhagavā.
Idaṃ vatvāna sugato athāparaṃ etadavoca satthā: Having spoken thus the Wellgone One added further and the teacher spoke thus:
“Appakā te manussesu, ye janā pāragāmino. … “So few are there amongst human beings to go beyond the further shore, …
Khīṇāsavā jutimanto, te loke parinibbutā”ti. Their mental defilements stand destroyed; resplendent in this world are they, the Liberated Ones.”

Last modified: Friday, 13 December 2024, 5:30 PM