Buddhasahassanāmāvali - Verse 16
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Verse 16
महा-अविज्जा पम्मद्दि, मायाजालविमोचनो; मिच्छावादं निमद्देसि, बुद्धं तं पणमाम्यहं.
Mahā-avijjā pammaddi, Māyājālavimocano; Micchāvādaṃ nimaddesi, Buddhaṃ taṃ paṇamāmyahaṃ.
I bow to the Buddha, Who destroyed great ignorance, Smashed the net of conceit and deceit, And shattered false beliefs born out of ignorance.
- mahā-avijjā - great ignorance
- pammaddi (aor. of pamaddati) - crush, destroy, defeat
- māyājālavimocano - smashed the net of conceit and deceit
(māyā + jāla + vimocano conceit + net + release) - micchāvādaṃ - false beliefs born from false doctrine
Last modified: Friday, 17 January 2025, 6:44 PM