Declension of different forms of pronoun ‘eta’
Completion requirements
Masculine : eso
Case | Singular | Plural |
Paṭhamā | eso | ete |
Dutiyā | etaṃ, enaṃ | ete |
Tatiyā | etena | etehi, etebhi |
Catutthī | etassa | etesaṃ, etesānaṃ |
Pañcamī | etasmā, etamhā | etehi, etebhi |
Chaṭṭhī | etassa | etesaṃ, etesānaṃ |
Sattamī | etasmiṃ, etamhi | etesu |
Neuter : etaṃ
Case | Singular | Plural |
Paṭhamā | etaṃ | ete, etāni |
Dutiyā | etaṃ | ete, etāni |
The declension of neuter pronoun ‘eta’ is similar to that of masculine pronoun ‘eta’ for Instrumental to Locative cases. |
Feminine : esā
Case | Singular | Plural |
Paṭhamā | esā | etā, etāyo |
Dutiyā | etaṃ | etā, etāyo |
Tatiyā | etāya | etāhi, etābhi |
Catutthī | etāya, etissā, etissāya | etāsaṃ, etāsānaṃ |
Pañcamī | etāya | etāhi, etābhi |
Chaṭṭhī | etāya, etissā, etissāya | etāsaṃ, etāsānaṃ |
Sattamī | etassaṃ, etissaṃ, etāsaṃ | etāsu |
Please Note : The pronouns so and eso are both translated as ‘he’, sā and esā both are translated as ‘she’, taṃ and etaṃ can both be used to denote ‘it’. The difference between these forms of the pronouns ‘ta’ and ‘eta’ is evident in the demonstrative usage of these pronouns. We will be learning about this concept in the next section.
Last modified: Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 2:04 PM