Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa

1.3.5 Maṇḍūkadevaputtavimānavatthu - The Frog Transforms into a Deva

Maṇḍūkadevaputtavimānavatthu The Frog Transforms into a Deva
“Maṇḍūkohaṃ pure āsiṃ, udake vārigocaro; “Once before I was a frog, a water dwelling being;
Tava dhammaṃ suṇantassa, avadhī vacchapālako. While I was listening to the Dhamma preached by you I was killed by a cowherd.
Muhuttaṃ cittapasādassa, iddhiṃ passa yasañca me; A moment of mind’s clarity resulted in this power of mine that you can witness;
Ānubhāvañca me passa, vaṇṇaṃ passa jutiñca me. My strength, my complexion and my brightness that you can behold.
Ye ca te dīghamaddhānaṃ, dhammaṃ assosuṃ gotama; Those who have for a long period of time heard the Dhamma preached by Gotama;
Pattā te acalaṭṭhānaṃ, yattha gantvā na socare”ti. Have attained that immovable place, gone there they do not grieve.”

Last modified: Sunday, 15 December 2024, 4:40 PM