Buddhasahassanāmāvali - Verse 144
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Verse 144
सम्म-आजीवसम्पन्नो, सुद्धाचरणचारको; महासीलसिरोमणि, बुद्धं तं पणमाम्यहं.
Samma-ājīvasampanno, Suddhācaraṇacārako; Mahāsīlasiromaṇi, Buddhaṃ taṃ paṇamāmyahaṃ.
I bow to the Buddha, Of perfect and noble livelihood, Whose conduct was blameless and pure, And who upheld the crest-jewel of moral precepts.
- suddhā - pure
- caraṇa + cārako - conduct + one who acts
- siromaṇi: sira + maṇi - head + emblem, diadem
Last modified: Friday, 17 January 2025, 4:50 PM